Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Afghanistan (FinTRACA) was established as a Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in 2006 under the AML law passed by decree of the President of Afghanistan. Based on the amended Anti-Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Law, the Financial Intelligence Unit is independent in its operations for the purpose of enforcing its powers, duties and functions, including full autonomy in decisions to receive, analyze and disseminate information related to ML and TF. FinTRACA, together with financial supervisors, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, contributes to building and maintaining an environment in Afghanistan that is directed to identify and combat money laundering activity and terrorist financing.
Traveling Into or Out of Afghanistan?
Following the Regulation Governing the Reporting and Control of Physical Transfers of Currency, Bearer Negotiable Instruments, Gold, Other Precious Metals or Precious Stones through the Borders of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan;